3 main sections
Start from the bottom up
Use a twisting motion and avoid putting pressure on any part which will bend a key/rod
Lift bridge keys when assembling so they do not bend and make sure they are aligned
Push the reed all the way in. You will not adjust intonation by pushing in or pulling out like you do a flute head joint. That is done with your embouchure. More info on that in tuning section
Flat side of reed will be lined up with the keys
Use vaseline to grease the cork of the reed
Sit balanced over your sitz bones
Keep head up and bring instrument to you
Balance points are similar: Left first finger, right thumb, and mouth
Keep fingers curved and close to the keys. Pads of fingers go in center of keys
Keep your left pinky above the pinky keys
Avoid bending wrist
Slouched body > affects breathing which affects tone
Head inclined down > tone will be nasally and difficult to control
Instrument not centered in body > puts embouchure at an angle
Bell resting on leg > causes head to move out of position
Fingers assisting thumb in holding oboe > fingers out of position & rough technique
Moving the body while playing too much > distracting & interferes with breathing
Right thumb pushed too far under instrument > fingers forced into unnatural curve
Right thumb contacting thumb rest with nail > makes weight of oboe difficult to hold
Left thumb removed from instrument > pressure added to lower lip
Sliding of left thumb > sluggish, erratic, & pulls fingers out of position
Fingers out of guide positions > inefficient technique
Hold oboe in front of your chest with the reed exiting your mouth at a 45 degree angle
Right hand pinky should rest comfortably over the C# (middle) pinky key. If you don't have a moveable thumb rest, use a cork to extend the length if needed
Right hand thumb should be at an angle, not strictly parallel or perpendicular to the thumb rest. It should hit right below the nail bed
Left hand thumb should never lose contact with the wood. Use a rocking motion when using the octave key